Dear Friend,

When Mary came into my office, she was on edge. She had worked her entire life to build a solid financial foundation, owning a few rental properties, a successful small business, and a portfolio of investments. But now, as she looked to the future, her biggest fear wasn’t just about what she was leaving behind—it was about how her loved ones would have to handle her estate when she was gone. The thought of her hard-earned assets being sold off at a discount just to pay estate taxes or settle debts kept her up at night.

“Mike, I’ve spent my life building this,” Mary said, her voice tinged with anxiety. “But I’m terrified that when I pass, my kids will be forced to sell everything off in a ‘fire sale’ just to pay off estate taxes or clear any debts I might still owe. I don’t want my legacy liquidated like that. I want to leave them something real—not just a pile of bills and panic.”

Mary’s concerns were more common than you might think. Many people spend their lives accumulating wealth, only to have it wiped out in a frenzy of estate taxes, debts, and hasty decisions made under pressure. She didn’t want her properties sold for pennies on the dollar or her business auctioned off just to cover costs. And she certainly didn’t want her children burdened with the stress of scrambling to find money when they should be grieving and remembering her.

The Solution: Protecting Mary’s Legacy from Forced Sales

Mary needed a plan that would protect her assets from being sold off at bargain prices. She didn’t just need a will; she needed a strategy that would shield her estate from the pressures of taxes and debts. I explained to her that without proper planning, her worst fears could easily come true. But with the right steps, we could secure her assets and make sure her children wouldn’t have to deal with the chaos of a forced sale.

With the right strategy in place, Mary’s fears faded. She knew her children wouldn’t have to sell off her life’s work at bargain prices. Her properties, her business, and her investments were secure, and her legacy was protected. Instead of worrying about what would happen after she was gone, Mary could now focus on enjoying her life, knowing that everything she’d worked for was safe.

If you’ve ever worried about your assets being sold off in a fire sale to pay estate taxes or debts, you’re not alone. It’s a real concern and one that too many people don’t address until it’s too late. The good news is that with the right planning, you can protect your estate and make sure your assets aren’t lost in the process.

If you share Mary’s concerns, call Bascom Law Firm today at 770-285-5493 to schedule a consultation. We’ll sit down, talk through your fears, and create a plan that keeps your assets safe and your family secure. Don’t leave your legacy to chance—take action now to protect what you’ve built.

You deserve to know your life’s work is protected. Let’s make sure it is.

Sincerely and Thanks,

Mike Bascom

Bascom Law, PC

Estate Planning & Elder Law