Dear Friend,

On October 1st, former President Jimmy Carter celebrated an incredible milestone—his 100th birthday. Though his physical health has declined, he remains engaged with the world, staying interested in current events and receiving the well-wishes of millions. After 19 months in home hospice care, his family expected his time would be short. But against all odds, Jimmy Carter continues to experience life.

Carter’s longevity is not just a testament to his resilience; it’s a powerful reminder of how life expectancy is rising in the U.S. People are living longer than ever before, but with longer life comes the increased likelihood of needing long-term care. The question isn’t just whether you or your loved ones will live to see your 80s, 90s, or even beyond 100—it’s whether you’ll be prepared for the unique challenges that come with those extra years.

It’s inspiring to see someone like Jimmy Carter continue to experience life at 100 years old, but it also highlights a growing reality: people are living longer, and those extra years often come with significant healthcare needs. The average life expectancy is now nearly 80 years, and many will live well beyond that. But those extra years can come with a hefty price tag, especially if you’re unprepared.

Imagine this: you reach your 90s, and suddenly, long-term care isn’t just a distant worry—it’s an immediate, unavoidable reality. Nursing home costs range from $5,000 to $8,000 a month, draining savings faster than you ever thought possible. Without proper planning, what should be the golden years can quickly become a time of financial stress and tough decisions. Will there be enough money left to provide the care you need? Or will everything you’ve worked for vanish into the abyss of long-term care costs?

We all hope for a future where we are cared for without sacrificing our hard-earned assets. But hope isn’t a plan. Without the right estate planning, long-term care, and end-of-life strategies in place, you’re leaving too much to chance. A single illness, an unexpected injury, or the need for extended care can wipe out everything.

That’s why proper planning is so important—it’s about protecting your future. Whether it’s setting up trusts, navigating Medicaid planning, or making sure your long-term care needs are covered without depleting your assets, the decisions you make today can make all the difference tomorrow.

At Bascom Law Firm, we’ve seen the devastating impact of families who waited too long or didn’t know how to plan. We’ve also seen the relief and hope that come when people take proactive steps to secure their future. With the right planning, you can make sure you and your spouse receive the care you need without sacrificing the legacy you’ve worked so hard to build.

Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday is a reminder that life is precious and should be lived to the fullest. We all want to live long, fulfilling lives, but the reality is that those extra years come with challenges that require thoughtful planning. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your future. Take control now so that you are prepared for whatever comes next.

If you have questions about estate planning, long-term care, or end-of-life strategies, we’re here to help. Call Bascom Law Firm today at 770-285-5493. Whether you’re just getting started or need to update your plan, we’ll walk you through every step so that your future is secure.

Sincerely and Thanks,

Mike Bascom

Bascom Law, PC

Estate Planning & Elder Law