Dear Friend,

When Jim and Karen came to see me, I could sense their worry right away. They were a hardworking couple in their late 60s who had spent decades building a nest egg for their children. They owned a successful business, had a modest investment portfolio, and were proud of the life they had built. But now, as they thought about the future, their biggest fear wasn’t just about what they were leaving behind—it was about who might get control over it.

Jim got right to the point. “Mike, we’ve worked our whole lives to save for our kids, but what keeps me up at night is the thought of our son-in-law getting his hands on what we leave behind. We love our daughter and her husband, but we’ve seen what happens when marriages fall apart or when money starts influencing decisions. We want our assets to stay with our children, not end up in someone else’s pocket or used in ways we’d never want.”

Jim and Karen’s concerns were all too familiar. They loved their son-in-law, but they knew how unpredictable life could be. Divorces, lawsuits, financial mismanagement—their minds were filled with “what ifs.” They’d heard horror stories about families losing control of their inheritance to in-laws, and the idea of everything they’d worked for benefiting someone outside the family was terrifying.

Jim continued, “I’ve seen families torn apart when things go wrong, and we don’t want that for our daughter. We want to make sure that whatever we leave her it’s protected. We want to know it won’t be squandered or lost if a marriage doesn’t work out.”

The Solution: Locking Down the Inheritance with Ironclad Protection

I knew exactly how to help Jim and Karen. They didn’t just need a simple will—they needed a plan that would lock down their inheritance and keep it safe from any outside influence, especially in-laws.

When Jim and Karen left my office, they were no longer burdened by the fear of losing control. They had a plan that would protect their inheritance from outside influences, and they knew their children would be the sole beneficiaries of their hard work. The peace of mind they found was priceless.

If you’ve ever worried about what might happen if a son-in-law or daughter-in-law got control over your family’s inheritance, you’re not alone. It’s a common concern and one that too many families overlook until it’s too late. The truth is that life is unpredictable, and without the right protections in place, your hard-earned assets could end up far from where you intended.

If you share Jim and Karen’s concerns, call Bascom Law Firm today at XXX-XXX-XXXX to schedule a consultation. We’ll sit down, talk through your fears, and create a plan that keeps your legacy safe and under your control.

Your legacy deserves to stay where it belongs—with your family. Let’s make sure it does.

Sincerely and Thanks,

Mike Bascom

Bascom Law, PC

Estate Planning & Elder Law