Dear Small Business Owner,

You’ve spent decades building your small business from the ground up. You’ve invested your time, energy, and resources to create something that provides for you and your family and represents your legacy. But what would happen to everything you’ve worked so hard for if you suddenly weren’t there to run it?

It’s a question many business owners avoid, but the truth is, not having an estate plan could spell disaster for your business and your loved ones. Without a clear plan in place, your business could be left vulnerable, your family could face financial hardship, and everything you’ve built could be at risk.

What happens if you’re no longer able to run your business due to illness, accident, or even death? Without an estate plan, your business could be thrown into chaos. Who will take over? How will they know what to do? Will your family be forced to sell the business just to pay off debts or taxes? The reality is, without a plan, the business you’ve worked so hard to build could crumble in your absence.

Your employees, who depend on you for their livelihoods, could find themselves out of work. Your customers might turn to your competitors, unsure if your business will continue to operate. And your family could be left to navigate a legal and financial mess, trying to keep things afloat while dealing with their grief.

The government and courts could step in, deciding the fate of your business without regard for your wishes. Your assets could be tied up in probate for months or even years, draining the value of your estate and leaving your loved ones with far less than you intended. The legacy you’ve worked so hard to create could be dismantled piece by piece, all because there wasn’t a clear plan in place.

The truth is, every small business owner needs an estate plan. It’s not just about protecting your assets—it’s about ensuring that your business continues to thrive, your employees are taken care of, and your family is provided for. Without a plan, your business could be left in limbo, your family could be burdened with unnecessary stress and financial strain, and your legacy could be lost.

Many business owners think that estate planning is something they can put off, that it’s only for the wealthy or the elderly. But the reality is, if you own a business, you need an estate plan—no matter your age or the size of your business. The risks of not having a plan are too great, and the consequences could be devastating.

The Solution: Protecting Your Business with an Estate Plan

This is where we come in.

At Bascom Law, we start by understanding your business and your goals. We don’t just hand you a generic document and send you on your way. We work with you to create a customized plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns. We ask the tough questions—questions you might not have considered—and help you think through the implications of each decision.

We help you establish a succession plan. This ensures that your business will continue to operate smoothly in your absence, with the right person or team in place to take over. We also work to minimize the impact of taxes and legal fees, so more of your estate stays with your family and your business.

Then, we put it all in writing—clear, legally binding documents that leave no room for confusion or disputes. We don’t stop there. We keep in touch, regularly reviewing your plan to make sure it stays aligned with your goals and adapts to any changes in your life or the law.

You’ve worked too hard to let your business’s future be left to chance. At Bascom Law, we’re here to help you create an estate plan that ensures your business continues to thrive, your employees are taken care of, and your family is provided for—no matter what happens.

Call my office today at 770-285-5493 to schedule a consultation. Let’s sit down together and start planning for the future of your business. Your legacy deserves the best protection, and at Bascom Law, that’s exactly what we offer.


Mike Bascom
Bascom Law, PC
Estate Planning & Elder Law